Royal London had learned that customers with Over 50s Life Cover regularly review the cover they have. Some customers even opt to up their monthly payments to secure bigger payouts for their family at the time of need.
Which makes sense. Someone investing in Over 50s Life Cover will often start with the lowest level of cover because it’s the most affordable. But ultimately, they want to ensure that their family gets as much benefit from the product as possible.
Royal London challenged Red C to create a mailing that tapped into the customer’s mindset.
We had to tread carefully with the proposition. We didn’t want the reader feeling like the cover they had was insufficient. Nor did we want to inundate the call centre with calls from perplexed customers. So we positioned the offer as an opportunity for Over 50s Life Cover customers to review their cover and secure bigger payouts if they felt they needed to.
In only 3 days, we’d achieved a 174% uplift in sales – not just enquiries, actual sales – and that was for August alone.
As Stuart Johnston, Marketing Campaign Manager noted: “this is great work!”